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Join the Swiss National Hacking Team - Registration is now Open!

> 2025-02-19

Every year, the Swiss Hacking Challenge picks Switzerland’s top young hackers to represent the country as the Swiss National Hacking Team at the European Cybersecurity Challenge (ECSC).

The Swiss Team has consistently ranked among the top contenders in recent years, offering a fantastic opportunity to meet new people, level up skills, and work together under pressure.

Cyberpunk Theme of the SHC2025

To make this even more exciting, the Swiss Hacking Challenge also serves as the official qualifier for SwissSkills in the Cyber Security skill!

The Qualifiers

The journey begins with the online qualifiers, running from March 1st to May 1st 2025. Registration is now open:


The qualifiers follow a Jeopardy-style Capture-the-Flag (CTF) format, where participants solve security challenges on their own. The challenges span several categories, each designed to test different cybersecurity skills. To complete a challenge, you need to find a “flag” (e.g., shc2025{you_found_a_flag!}), which is then entered on the competition website to earn points. Be careful, though - the more people solve a challenge, the fewer points are awarded!

Challenge Categories

For more details, see our CTF explanation page.

Joining the Swiss National Team

The top 10 competitors in each age group (Juniors, 14-20, and Seniors, 21-25) with Swiss citizenship will be invited to the 2-day onsite final on 12-13 July 2025. The final event will determine who makes it onto the Swiss National Hacking Team, which will represent Switzerland at the European Cybersecurity Challenge in Warsaw, Poland, from 6th to 10th October 2025.

Register now and take your chance to become part of the Swiss National Hacking Team!